Before Stepping Out







Learn to fall in 🖤 with the journey…

Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything specific in life.  Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you.  That way you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.  Take an inventory of your trials and errors.  Count your blessings.  What did you learn that you can pass on to friends, strangers, or loved ones?  Trust your journey.  Trust the process.  Raise your energy and the right people will come into your life.  In closing, remember that life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you may never have to fall in love again.


Claiming to be wise, they became fools…

This is a verse out of Romans 1:22, that echoes so much truth, that it isn’t even funny anymore.  I’m pretty sure we’ve all come across the “know it alls,” somewhere in our life.  I personally would love to be around someone with all the questions and NOT all the answers.  Contrary to popular belief, I can’t learn anything from such a person for my overall personal growth.  I think we should all go through life attempting to be human sponges when it comes to knowledge and wisdom.

On a personal note, I believe that starts with scripture.  There is only one Lord and savior with the power of All knowledge and wisdom, and His name is Jesus Christ.  I can reference His wisdom and knowledge and apply it to my daily walk, by reading and studying His will.  As far as man’s logic, never take what comes out of his mouth as truth only.

When fools speak, in THEIR minds they THINK they are wise.  When wise men speak, in THEIR minds they KNOW they are fools.

Do your due diligence, and research the topic at hand objectively and never subjectively.  No matter if it’s family, friends, or even someone you 100% trust.  At the end of the day, they all are simply “men,” and they are imperfect.


The true art of defense…

Defense (in sports) is defined as the action or role of defending one’s goal against the opposition.  So what about defense when it comes to life’s obstacles?  We all strive to avoid the constant threat of attack from unforeseen entities.  Rather it is people, situations, etc.

The great -O Sensei Ueshiba once quoted: “Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win.”  The old term, “know your enemy,” is and has always been extremely important on this Earth.

The arena that you are contesting in, doesn’t matter.  If you show no anger in combat or decision-making, you automatically are void of emotion, therefore your thinking stands a better chance of being clear.  If you are void of emotion, automatically you are allergic to fear.  The famous acronym for F.E.A.R. is False Expectations Appearing Real.

Therefore, if you add everything up, you are a well-prepared soldier going to war.  Clear your mind when life throws obstacles in your path.  Defend yourself from overreactions, and emotional decisions.  Everything else needed to win any war stands a better chance at success if these attributes are honored.  Just something to think about.  Remember that defense wins championships.


The Tomorrow War…

Catchy title?  Well, it should be, because it was an apocalyptic action movie that was viewed on Amazon Prime.  I’m not going to talk about the movie, but I thought the title was pretty cool.  Actually, I heard some life-changing advice recently, that supports that very title.

Run every decision, big or small, through this filter: “Does this decision support the life I am trying to create for myself?”  As normal humans, we tend to overlook our goals and purposes for growth and elevation.  Sometimes, we’ll do good by establishing those principles initially, but life kicks in and we totally forget the initial plan.

By forgetting something as important as the plan, we can go down a dark road and unfortunately make some crucial mistakes.  So in conclusion, take your time, breathe, bring yourself back to reality and ask yourself, “does this decision support the life I am trying to create for myself?”  You may be surprised at the answer.

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